High School Senior Photography Location Ideas | Jacksonville, Florida
/It goes without saying that our local Parks, Beaches and Neighborhoods provide a beautiful backdrop for any portrait session. Here are a few of my favorite ways to photograph seniors in these environments.
#1 Sunlit Trees. This one is all about time of day, the right angle and plentiful sunshine! Late afternoon sunshine provides beautiful streaming light through the trees and creates a natural back-light for the subject. Parks with large, live-oaks are ideal for these shots.
#2 Silhouettes. Strike a pose! A silhouette shot is a fun addition to any early morning or late afternoon session. Any wide-open space works for this shot.
#3 Interacting with the landscape. Sand, rocks, dune grasses, driftwood, waves – the beach provides an awesome variety of landscape to interact with. I like to play up late afternoon shadows for a bit of dramatic lighting. Continued below…
Don’t let a cloudy day discourage you. The moody blues from an afternoon rain shower create a gorgeous green tint to the water, and a rainbow if you are lucky!
#4 Interesting Architecture can provide some unexpected photo-ops! Know of any interesting spots in your part of town?
#5 Downtown Jacksonville is perfect for capturing big, bold color on the side of buildings. Every neighborhood has it’s own vibe and unique charm, which is great if you are looking for a diverse mix of looks.
#6 Our Studio Location in Jacksonville, Beach. The studio is ideal if you are looking for clean backdrops, and air conditioning! Our studio sessions are anything but boring. We keep things fun and colorful, with multiple looks and color combination to fit your style. A one-hour studio session paired with a one-hour outdoor session is a great combo to consider!
Your hard work is worth celebrating. You are welcome back to our studio for a complimentary College Reveal photo-op once you’ve made that oh-so important decision!
I hope these ideas have been helpful!